Cookie Policy

Our website uses cookies and equivalent technologies such as tags, SDKs and pixels to collect information and to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with the best possible experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve our site. Some of these cookies are required in order for you to be able to use the website. Others are optional and you can revoke your consent to these in the manner described in the “Managing Cookies” section below and by making use of the cookie preference management tool linked below.

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we store on your browser or the hard drive of your computer or other mobile or handheld device. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive. They are used to recall when your computer or other device accessed the website.

We use two types of cookies and equivalent technologies: persistent cookies and session cookies. A persistent cookie helps us identify you as a previous web visitor, so it is easier to interact with you and help you shopping. Session cookies only last for as long as the session (usually the current visit to our website).

What Information is Collected?

Some cookies and equivalent technologies gather information about browsing and purchasing practices of persons who access this website via the same computer, mobile or handheld device. They gather information such as products purchased, pages viewed and the customer journey as it navigates the website. Our cookies and equivalent technologies do not store or record confidential information such as your name, address or payment information. They simply hold the ‘key’ that once you visit our site, is associated with this information. We do use encrypted information gathered from cookies and equivalent technologies to improve the experience of our customers on our website. For example, cookies and equivalent technologies help us to monitor the customer journey to identify and resolve errors. Our customer service team and partners also use cookies and equivalent technologies to assist with troubleshooting and to provide you with support as you seek to use our website and make online purchases.

Some cookies we use are known as first party cookies and have been created by (or on behalf of) Smyths Toys and are deployed to assist us in providing you services. We also use third party cookies which have been developed and are operated by other companies. These are described in more detail below.

Some examples of the benefits of our Cookies and equivalent technologies:

  • Cookies and equivalent technologies are used to remember your settings next time you visit our site, which will save you time when signing in and prevent you having to provide the same information over again;
  • Cookies and equivalent technologies allow us to understand and analyse data to improve the quality of our website, for example, when we see that a particular toy has an increasing number of views we can make it more prominent on our website;
  • We use cookies and equivalent technologies to provide improved customer service support, resolve issues for you and update the website to prevent similar problems for other customers;
  • Cookies and equivalent technologies enable features such as our chat feature, customer support, Youtube integration and rich content and customer reviews to work better; and
  • Cookies may allow us to know your location so that we can automatically suggest your nearest store.

Cookies and equivalent technologies we use:

We use the following types of cookies and equivalent technologies on our website:

  • Mandatory/Strictly necessary cookies and equivalent technologies: technologies: These do not require your consent and are required for the operation of our website. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our website, use a shopping cart or make use of e-billing services. 
  • Analytical and Performance cookies and equivalent technologies: They allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around our website when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily. These also allow us to track the customer journey and identify and resolve any issues. Some of these are provided and operated by third party service providers whose details are set out below. 
  • Functionality cookies and equivalent technologies: These are used to recognise you when you return to our website. This enables us to personalise our content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region). Some of these are provided and operated by third party service providers whose details are set out below. 
  • Targeting cookies. These cookies record your visit to our website, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. We will use this information to make our website and the advertising displayed on it more relevant to your interests. We may also share this information with third parties for this purpose who process this on our behalf. Some of these are provided and operated by third party service providers whose details are set out below. 

Managing Cookies

Please note: Our sites use cookies for technical functionality. If all cookies are disabled on your computer or device, you’ll still be able to browse but you will not be able to add products to your basket nor complete a purchase.

If you’re not satisfied with the way that we use cookies then you could choose to:

  • Manage your cookie preferences below to disable some or all cookies
  • Disable cookies on your computer or device
  • Delete our cookies after you’ve visited our website
  • Use your browser’s anonymous setting. This is called ‘Incognito’ in Chrome, ‘InPrivate’ for Internet Explorer, ‘Private Browsing’ in Firefox and Safari.

Please see links below on how to manage your cookies:

  • Google Chrome Cookies
  • Internet Explorer Cookies
  • Safari Cookies
  • Firefox Cookies

For further information about how you can manage cookies, please visit and websites.

Mandatory Cookies

stc111380The purpose of this cookie is to store profile information so that you can log into your account automatically.1 year1st Party
JSESSIONIDThis cookie remembers details of what you’ve looked at as you browsed our websiteSession1st Party
uk-cartThe items that are in your shopping cart on the website are stored in this cookie for our UK website. Your shopping basket would not be able to function without it.6 months1st Party
b1piThis cookie is used to assist us in load balancing, which is used to assign visitors to a particular server behind the load balancer and enable content to appear in the least possible time to load. This helps our website to operate and communicate with you more efficiently.Session1st Party
ie-cartThe items that are in your shopping cart on the website are stored in this cookie for our Irish website. Your shopping basket would not be able to function without it.6 months1st Party
DSIDThis cookie is set to note your specific user identity. It contains a hashed/encrypted unique ID.Session3rd Party – (Doubleclick, website:
ku3-vidThis cookie is used to store the UUID assigned to the User by the Upstream Platform. For further information please view their privacy statement.17 months 23 days3rd Party – (Klarna, website:
ku1-sidThis cookie is used to provide session consistency. For further information please view their privacy statement.Session3rd Party – (Klarna, website:
ku1-vidStore the UUID assigned to the User by the Upstream Platform. For further information please view their privacy statement.17 months 20 days3rd Party – (Klarna, website:
acceleratorSecureGUIDThis cookie is a secure token used in a session for a logged in user to evaluate if a user has a valid session.Session1st Party
customerTypeThis cookie is used to store the customer type as either a Guest or a Registered user.Session1st Party
io_token_7c6a6574-f011-4c9a-abdd-9894a102ccefThis cookie helps us to provide the web services you are using in a safe and secure environment by tracking user activity to prevent fraud and abuse. For further information please view their privacy statement.1 year3rd Party – (Klarna, website:
GCLBThis cookie is used by Google for performance purposes. This cookie monitors the load on Smyths Toys servers during your browser session to help ensure traffic is spread out evenly on servers. For further information, please view Google’s privacy policy.Session3rd Party – Google
uk-anonymous-consentsIdentifies whether the user is an anonymous user and stores the users consent data.120 days1st Party
smyths_gtm_GOOGLEOPTIMIZEThis cookie is set either true or false to optimize the Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics cookies GOOGLEOPTIMIZE.Session1st Party
_hjOptOutThis cookie is used to find whether the hotjar cookie is opted out of or not.Session1st Party
nlbi_{Site-ID}This cookie is used to ensure requests by a client are sent to the same origin server. For more information, please view the website.Session3rd Party – Imperva
reese84This cookie persists the token used to grant access to protected endpoints. For more information, please view the website.5 Minutes3rd Party – Imperva
reese84-resubmit-tokenThis cookie aliviates the problem of some browsers dropping the post body when showing an interstitial page (to force the load of Imperva JavaScript) on a POST request. This is done by preserving the original post body as an encrypted payload in the cookie. For more information, please view the website.60 Seconds3rd Party – Imperva


Targeting Cookies

_fbpUsed by Facebook for tracking and to deliver a series of product advertisement. For further information, please view Facebook’s cookie policy.3 months3rd Party – Facebook
Fr and Facebook pixelThis cookie stores encrypted facebook ID and browser ID and allows customers to create an account or log into an account via Facebook Social Plug In. Expiry: One Day The Facebook pixel is an analytics tool that consists of a code that we put on our website. The pixel enables us to track site visitors so we can target these site visitors with relevant Facebook ads in the future. It also helps us identify repeat visitors to our site when they return and understand if a Facebook user who saw a Smyths’ ad on Facebook then visited or made a purchase on our site. You can manage this pixel in your browser settings. See how to do this – here. We advertise on Facebook. Facebook uses cookies to identify what advertisements you interact with. Facebook uses its own tracking cookies for this and more information about this can be found on its website. For further information, please view Facebook’s cookie policy.1 year, 1 month and 18 days3rd Party – Facebook
rmuidTracking user information for advertising.1 year3rd Party – (Linksynergy, website:
IDEUsed by Google DoubleClick to register and report the website user’s actions after viewing or clicking one of the advertiser’s ads with the purpose of measuring the efficacy of an ad and to present targeted ads to the user. For further information, please view Google’s privacy policy.2 years3rd Party – Google
__Secure-3PAPISID, __Secure-3PSIDGoogle Marketing secure cookies. Builds a profile of website visitor interests to show relevant and personalized ads through retargeting. For further information, please view Google’s privacy policy.2 years3rd Party – Google
ANIDGoogle advertising cookie that lists ads on Google sites based on recent searches. For further information, please view Google’s privacy policy.2 years3rd Party – Google
NID, 1P_JARThese cookies store visitors’ preferences and personalizes ads on Google websites based on recent searches and interactions. For further information, please view Google’s privacy policy.6 months3rd Party – Google